Le Grand Véfour

Part of the timing of this journey was to be in Paris for our 34th wedding anniversary. This is the second time we have had the privilege to celebrate it in Paris and both times we have dined at Le Grand Véfour in the Palais-Royal. Things have changed a little since we were here in 2007, back then suit and tie apparel was de rigueurNow business casual is the robe du jour, we saw sneakers and jeans all around. The food is still some of the best we have had and we recommend this restaurant and the friendly staff. We manages to shut the place down and slip out for a few drinks after. Joyeux anniversaire chérie!

Entrance to Le Grand Véfour
Interior of Le Grand Véfour
I hate having my picture taken…
Caviar as a starter
I had Lamb. Only the good die young!
Kim had Ravioles au Foie Gras with Truffles. The fois gras was very light and creamy.
The sommelier was very friendly and complimented us with extra glasses.
We shut the restaurant down
The friendly bartender
Kim strolled the Palais-Royal after dinner.
After dinner drinks at L’Empire Brasserie
Yasmine is our waitress at Au Rocher de Cancale has taken good care of us several nights in a row. Merci Yasmine!

Voyages en décalage horaire, deuxième partie

I broke up my somnambulant wandering pictures into two posts. Many notable places are within walking distance of our apartment.

La Samaritaine, adepartment store.
Inside La Samaritaine.
Inside La Samaritaine.
Entrance to Les Halles station + Mall
Misting fountains in Jardin Nelson-Mandela near Les Halles.
Children’s playground with the Bourse de Commerce in the background.
Building on Rue de Viarmes
Une passage
Passage du Grand Cerf
Rue D'Argout at Rue du Louvre
Rue D’Argout at Rue du Louvre