Voyages en décalage horaire, deuxième partie

I broke up my somnambulant wandering pictures into two posts. Many notable places are within walking distance of our apartment.

La Samaritaine, adepartment store.
Inside La Samaritaine.
Inside La Samaritaine.
Entrance to Les Halles station + Mall
Misting fountains in Jardin Nelson-Mandela near Les Halles.
Children’s playground with the Bourse de Commerce in the background.
Building on Rue de Viarmes
Une passage
Passage du Grand Cerf
Rue D'Argout at Rue du Louvre
Rue D’Argout at Rue du Louvre

2nd Arrondissement

This is the third time we have rented an apartment in Paris, we found we enjoy setting up a household here and wandering around as we please. For this trip, our agent Deb Siegle used HVN Travel Group to arrange a nice place in the 2nd arrondissement. We had a single bedroom apartment arranged elsewhere but issues arose so HVN moved us to a nice two-bedroom giving us plenty of room. Merci! Here are a few pictures of the apartment and surroundings.

The entrance is next to a Ramen shop. Sorry, Syd…
Living room
Living room
Bedroom #1


Bedroom #2
Rue des Petits-Carreaux
L’Empire Brasserie where we had dinner.

Tintin and Haddock